Thanksgiving to a mother

So I was reading a friend's blog today and she had a post about all the things she is thankful for this year. It made me thinking a little deep today and I had to list a few of the things I am thankful for that I don't usually show much appreciation for. Besides all these listed, I am always thankful for the obvious like family, friends, good health and our church. Here I go...
  • A washing machine and dryer (I couldn't imagine hand washing all these clothes each day)
  • Disposable diapers (I know many people who still use cloth, but I sure am thankful for the kind I can just throw away!)
  • The Internet (all those recipes, research project info, email, blogs, I could go on and on)
  • Medicine (I love medicine, even if its to help my mind think I am getting better!)
  • Books (what would my husband do with all his free time and how would he teach me everything I need to know)
  • Grocery stores (how convenient to go to one place and get everything you need)
  • Our mini-van (even though most days I want to get rid of it, it really does hold a family of 6 great and manages to get us from place to place)
  • My dishwasher (never grew up with one of these, and boy do I LOVE it!)
  • Our bathroom (sounds silly, but one week camping and you will come to really appreciate these plumbing necessities!)
  • My microwave (convenient, quick and the kids have become quite good at pushing the buttons now alone)
  • Our Maids business (flexibility, John's happiness, and of course, less cleaning on my part!)

I am sure I missing others, but these were a few I thought of today. I hope you all take time this week to remember things you are thankful for this year. What a great country we live in and oh, how many freedoms we have that we forget about so often. Happy Thanksgiving!


Jamie said…
I so agree with everything on your list. How did our parents survive without a dishwasher? I remember doing dishes when I was 7 or 8 and I can barely get my kids to put their plates in the sink! All things technology I am thankful for! (well, most anyway.)

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