Our Black Friday tradition changed a little this year. Ashlyn and I usually go each year with Grandma Peggy, but because of her lung problems and the need for an oxygen tank, she skipped out this year. On our way home from Grandma Sue's Thanksgiving dinner, we decided to take our whole family to the Walmart sale that started at 6 pm. The boys have always wanted to see what Black Friday shopping looks like! It was busy. I think they enjoyed it, but wasn't too sure about the checkout line. When we left there, John dropped Ashlyn and I off at Kohl's to stand in the line going in at 8 pm. We loved Kohl's this year! Bought most of our gifts there and had fun doing it! He came and picked us up from there and we took them all back home along with our trunk load of goodies. Then we headed for hot chocolate and hit more stores. We went to Target, Best Buy, Sport's Authority, and JcPenney. We got some great deals and it wasn't as busy as normal. We made it