Not intended for children under 3

Wow, what a blessing to have a child who can read anything! Ashlyn is finally getting confidence in this subject area and has really excelled. She is reading to her brothers story/board books and enjoying a new chapter book (Nancy Drew - thanks Papa Phil and Gramma Velma) for herself. It has sure been fun to watch her learn and some of the funny things she has said by mistake. This past week I realized how many things are out there on billboards and bumper stickers that I sure wished she couldn't read! And here is a really embarrassing story - I still wear old t-shirts to bed a lot, mainly John's, but sometimes mine. Well, I was wearing an old Coed Naked Softball t-shirt the other morning (don't ask why - I was totally a follower in high school when these shirts were popular and enjoyed fastball softball). Anyway, while making her lunch she asks, "What does slow or fast have a blast mean mom?" - "Uh, both slow pitch and fast-pitch softball is fun - I only played fast pitch wearing the silliest uniforms and helmets!" Good thing she didn't see the front of the shirt where it said coed naked, huh. And yep, pretty bad when you realize you are joining society with inappropriate words on yourself. So, that shirt has become a few rags and I am working on teaching myself discernment too!

Another funny thing has happened recently concerning her new ability. She has realized how many toys we own, especially her own, that is "not intended for children under 3." She has become the toy patrol and tells everyone (usually Caleb - now that Joshua is 4) that he cannot play with that toy or he will choke or die. If either boy even gets close to Jonathan with one of these toys, she goes, "no, no, this toy can hurt him." It is pretty cute! So we are doing a little clean up this week - actually getting rid of little pieces once I explained what that meant (like Barbie shoes, etc), re-organizing little toys that Jonathan might try to chew when he starts crawling, and getting rid of inappropriate clothing we own - Now I can justify throwing out my husband's South Colts t-shirts (my high school rival team - Go East Eagles). Happy "fall" cleaning!!


Anonymous said…
I sure am glad she is learning to read good....That is a good thing..But your right, there is a lot of things she will be asking about now....Tell her the truth, otherwise she will find out what it really means...Go Bulldogs!!!!
Jamie said…
It is so nice when they can read books. Leevi will even read bedtime stories to Raquel. So Raquel is happy because she has a story and Leevi gets some reading practice and mommy gets to just relax and listen. Everyone is happy! I haven't had to explain any embarrassing phrases yet, but I'm sure the time will come. Leevi can read pretty well and is very observant. Leevi did the same with Raquel that your kids do in watching out for toys. And now Raquel does it for Aaron. It is actually very sweet that they take care of each other. It is so hard to have a kiddo crawling on the floor that will put anything into their mouth. I have to survey the entire living room before I let Aaron down to play with all the barbie accessories, legos and such. What a hassle but we gotta do it. It is good to teach the older kids so they can help you keep an eye out. Raquel is very good at letting me know if Aaron is getting into something he shouldn't.

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