Last year was a wonderful school year. We sent Jonathan to full day Kindergarten at Line Creek, we sent Joshua and Caleb to Faith Christian Academy 3 days a week (home schooled the other 2 days), and home schooled Ashlyn full time for 6th grade. It was evident that this plan was what we were supposed to do. All four kids grew academically, spiritually, and emotionally where we had them. We loved paying for only 2 private school tuitions and loved the one on one time I had with Ashlyn all year. We knew over the summer we would continue to look at each school year and decide what would be best for each child each year. After much prayer and discussions with teachers and children, we made some big changes this year. We decided to send Caleb back to Line Creek where he attended Kindergarten full time to get free reading tutoring and speech therapy again. He was sad to leave his friends at FCA, but looking forward to a 5 day a week school schedule instead of 3. I am excited to se