A visit to the Fire Station

Caleb has always wanted to be a Fireman when he grows up. He is having his first friend birthday party this year - 12 little boys from his K class. When we started the planning for the party, we decided to plan a fireman party. We went to a fire station for a tour and some fun pictures. We were secretly hoping for some free stuff too (like hats, coloring books, etc) and one really good picture for his cake table. We ended up getting a wonderful tour of the fire truck and the station. Caleb LOVED it! We also got a number of someone who could help us with some free stuff. Here is Caleb pretending to drive the truck... Here he is standing in front of the tire. He is about the same size as the tire... Wearing the helmet while driving... He was excited to see the lockers with the coats, boots, and helmets... The station we went to visit is also an EMT station so there was an ambulance too... The best news is today I heard back from the assistant fire marshal we called and we were able...