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The gameplan for Mr. Mom

A few of you know that I will be going on a mini-mom adventure this weekend! I am very excited to hang out on the beach with some close friends and just relax a little before our crazy Spring begins. Of course, the lack of mom being around causes the need for Mr. mom to step in and take everything over. I think John is excited and nervous at the same time about his role the next five days, so I have come upon with a little game plan for him...

He told me when this trip first got planned, not too worry about anything. Not to plan who was picking up who and when from school, speech, etc. It would all work itself out. After a few anxious day for this organized soul, I started planning a few things out. He is a teacher at Ashlyn's school (the high school portion) and teaches 2 classes on both Friday and Monday. He hadn't said much about getting a sub or if he was going to try to teach the classes with our 3 toddler boys' participation. So I talked to my mother-in-law and she agreed to take over Friday for him. We leave about 5:30 in the morning and John takes Ashlyn to school about 7:15. So she is going to come over about 7:00 and take Joshua to preschool at 8:30 and Caleb to speech at 9:00 for me. Did I ever mention we are a busy family! Then she will pick Joshua up from preschool at 11:30 and play with the boys until John and Ashlyn get home from school/work at 4:00. Then John has full Mr. Mom duty until I get home Tuesday night. He is pretty used to crazy, but relaxing weekends and I made sure to not have anything on the calendar those two days besides church and small group. Monday is Maids day and usually a bible toddler class we host at our house at 9:00. I canceled the bible class and have prepared him to have the house in "Maid" order before noon. He will still have to take Ashlyn to school that day (and this time with all 3 boys which I don't normally have to do) and pick her up. But in between 8:00 and 3:00 he gets plenty of "boy" time. I'm curious to see what that all will include without any girls around! He did get a sub for his 2 classes on Monday and took the day off from work.

Tuesday is a whole new adventure for him. A home school day! He will need to work with Ashlyn on her school work and Joshua on his handwriting. This day might be a little more stressful for Ashlyn, than John. I went ahead and cancelled Speech that day for him in case he needed to go down to work for a little while...Speech is right at lunch time. The kids would go down with him (the joys of owning your own business - work consists of him, his parents and a Rylee's little miniature dog barking most of the time!) Once school work all gets done and everyone is fed, cleaned up, etc. I think they should have plenty of time to pick everything all up and in bed right when I get praying for them while I am gone makes me nervous just typing it all in here.

As for me, sun, relaxing, shopping and a lot of beach! I am very sad to be missing a big 2 hour episode of 24 on Monday (the season just took a new turn and it is very exciting!). Lisa and I might try to sneak away to watch together, but if it doesn't work out I will have to watch it on Wed online. Mr. Mom and the kids will have already seen it because that is about the only "plan" I know he has for my time away. I'll blog when I get back! Also pray that I won't be that nervous mom who calls every hour to check on everything...I really do want to just relax while I am there. Have a great weekend!


A said…
how was it? i can't wait to see pics!!!!!!