Being the only girl...

For those of you who can't see the writing on these 2 signs - they say "No Boys Allowed". These signs have found their way all over our house, but especially in Ashlyn's room. None of the boys can read yet, but they all know what the signs say. Caleb walks right up to them and says "Look Wawa, lets go in. haha" She might be asking for a lock soon for her bedroom door I think. As funny as it is for me to all watch afar, I can remember similar signs when I was her age and I had only sisters. She is very fortunate to have her own room, unlike her mother at her age. Did you all have territorial issues at age 8 too? Or were you like the boys and just love to touch everything you were not supposed to touch!
ring ring
A: Hi DeAnna,it's Anna.
D: Hi Anna.
A: What are you doing?
D: Cleaning, rearranging furniture.
A: Why?
D: I'm bored (or stressed, or upset)