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Joshua the Engineer

Joshua's first grade class is studying famous inventors right now in History. A couple weeks ago they studied Henry Ford. For an in class exercise, the kids had to make an assembly line and create lego cars. After the lesson, the teacher contacted me to tell me how impressed she was with Joshua. She said in all her years of doing this exercise, she has never seen a child do it so systematically and so quickly. The kids had different colors of blocks and were timed to make so many cars in a short amount of time. Joshua had been able to watch the first line of kids do the exercise. When it was his turn, he sorted the blocks by color, size, and part of the car that they would go in. When the bell rang, he was able to make the most cars quickly. She said no one has ever thought ahead like that and had never put them together so quickly, almost like a robot. She went on to tell me that she thinks he will make a wonderful engineer someday! I was very proud of him.


Catherine said…
That's wonderful! I'm so glad she took the time to tell you too - way to go Joshua!