Daddy dollars

So we are going to attempt yet another new reward/chore system idea. I got this idea from a Raising Homemakers blog, that referenced another blog, that got the idea from Family Fun. We have found that the past couple months our kids have become addicted to Netflix. We don't watch much TV so that is the avenue we have all began watching some TV shows, along with some movies. We now can watch an entire TV series in about a month. We were about to cancel it when we found this new reward idea.

Basically, we have created a list of chores and responsibilities that our kids have to do to earn dollar bucks (shown above). Most of the things on the list are things that can done easier for less money. My favorite (and I think theirs too) is their morning chore. They have to make their bed, get dressed, put their pjs away, and brush their teeth for $1. A couple of these things would get done each morning before school and a couple wouldn't. I'll tell you that today all 4 children were done with this one before they came into my room! It was wonderful. A harder task would be to fill one brown lawn bag with weeds, gumball tree balls, sticks, etc for $2. Laundry and dishes are also on the list, along with putting clothes away, cleaning out the car, and vacuuming.

Then we created a store list. We tried to think of things that they could cash their money in for that would not cost us a lot of real money. So now, they can cash in their money for 30 minutes of media time ($1). Both computer time and Netflix time are earned - they no longer just get to do it. They can also buy sugarless gum, Sonic slushes, and mini-candy bars with their daddy dollars (things we get for less than $1 ). To teach them to save, we have a few nicer things like a movie date ($15) or a Wal-mart value DVD ($10). We put nice glasses out with their names on it to store their money (and to help keep track of it). We have also decided that most of the chore times will be decided by us, so we will tell them when they need to do the dishes, lawn work, etc. This way they don't wash 3 dishes in the sink one day and except to get the full amount. We will kinda learn as we go. But so far, everyone seems excited! I'll try to post some work/reward pics in action soon.


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