Mystery is Gone

So we lost our first family pet since we have had kids. Ashlyn knew one of our cats a little when she was a toddler, but didn't even notice when she died. Yesterday, Mystery, our brown gerbil, died. I wasn't sure what their reactions would be. We all went to the cage and the first thing Ashlyn said was "Since dad won't let us get a dog can we get a Guinea Pig now." I guess she wasn't too sad....oh, I forgot to tell you about a week ago, she gave her gerbils to her brothers. She said they were too loud in her room and it was time for the boys to have them....maybe the lack of food this past week contributed to poor Mystery's death? Either way, Caleb had the biggest response. He kept asking about death and how you really know someone is dead (His open eyes freaked him out a bit). He continued to wonder what happens after you die too. It was a great conversation and I think he is very curious about death and what happens after. I think I have become responsible for Clue now and his feedings (I already clean the cage every other week somehow)....I don't think we will be replacing Mystery anytime soon and will be sure to keep you posted on Clue's new lonely home...we officially are down to 1 gerbil, 1 frog, 1 fish and 1 snail! Not bad for 4 kids!


Dawn said…
If you would like a Guinea Pig, please let me know! We have one that is super sweet named Sara but we are NEVER home to play with her or give her the attention she needs. She is very inexpensive to maintain. -Dawn

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