Hate that!

Jonathan has decided to stop eating the majority of the time...or I should say, 2 of the 3 important meals of the day. He loves breakfast and eats a ton when he first wakes up. Then he wants to snack the rest of the day. He'll eat lunch sometimes, usually when we eat out or have pb&j sandwiches, but that is about it. And dinner is a real fight. He just sits there and utters "Hate that!" over and over again. I remember the other kids not eating during this age some, but not saying his favorite expression. Obviously, the snacking is stopping and we are trying to change the situation, but I had to share a small struggle we are undertaking with him right now!


Good Luck D!! I hope you can find something that he will eat. We have always been very lucky with Abby. She will eat just about anything we put in front of her. Minus fruits and vegetables!! HAHA
Jamie said…
We're struggling with this too. All Aaron says is "No!". I can't keep him at the table to eat unless he absolutely loves what we're having or he's super hungry. And Aaron doesn't have any weight to spare for missed meals! He needs every little bit!! I know part of it is just a phase, but I'm hoping it passes quickly -- for both of us!!

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