It is cool to be #1...

...unless your daddy is cutting your hair with a #4 clipper guard and screams "oooohhhh nooooo" and then you're trimmed with #1...
Soon after that scream, your whole head is a #1 and you kinda look like you're 1 (and a little like dad too!) We're glad (once again) that his hair grows so fast!


Your poor boys!! You keep shaving them bald!! Poor J.. Good thing its not freezing outside yet. Maybe you should try a 3 or 4next time or better yet take him somewhere to get a haircut. LOL!!!
Hanson Crew said…
A this was not was done with a #4 until the razor slipped on the back and he got that ugly line...we had to go as short as the line so he didn't walk around with the line on his will grow fast, but this was not our plan :) I got your message and will send it soon. Love ya.
Unknown said…
hahaha!! this is a really funny story! I laughed out loud!

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