Exterior Paint Take Two

Yep, we did it all once before (about 3 months ago)...we scraped, caulked, primed, replaced wood, and painted - well, along with 6 or 7 other kind friends. And friends we are about to do it all over again! We were approved for the free KC paint program and now have to do the paint prep work...and before it gets to0 cold and have it completed by Dec (We hope to be done by Oct). We'll keep ya posted...

The bonus for this house is even though it is bigger, it is much shorter and we will only need our huge ladder for the front. That was the part that made us most nervous about starting last time. Since John is dreading this house project alot more than me, I have agreed to try to do at least 2 sides by myself...should be interesting! We will be going from a white house with white trim and green shutters to a dark khaki color house with light tan trim and black shutters. Pics to come sooner than we had planned...


A said…
OH BOY, I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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