Goodbye wisdom, hello pain!

So before the surgery I was told many horror stories about getting your wisdom teeth pulled. Someone said they looked like a chipmunk because of swelling, someone threw up because of the pain medicine, and someone got a couple dry sockets. I knew I would have some kind of story to tell too and was hoping that it would be a little lighter and happier than the ones I had heard. So here it goes...

The waiting room was freezing, and I don't mean cold like "oh, I wish I had worn short sleeves instead of a tank top" cold, I mean I had the chills. And I waited for an hour in that waiting room, listening to parents talk to their teenagers about it not being that bad and how quickly it will all happen. I was sitting there alone while John and the kids went to speech for the first half of the waiting time. I was planning on not going under to save us $250 because our insurance does not cover any part of the surgery. When I got back there it was even more cold than the waiting area. The nurse took my blood pressure and and went over what was going to happen...first numbing gel and then laughing gas (which was pretty interesting). Then the worst part, the numbing shots, which I think added up to about 8. That was truly the worst part. Then I waited about 10 minutes for it to all take affect. The Dr. came in and said I got the brave award for the day since I was his oldest patient today and the only one staying awake. Woohoo! So then I heard a couple loud cracks and 2 were done. I knew that the 3rd one was going to be the hardest one because it was the only impacted tooth. He had to take it out in pieces and actually turned on some loud noise makers for that one. The pressure from that one was felt down my throat - truly miserable - which followed with 3 stitches! But then the last one was out in seconds. I layed there with gauze in my mouth for about 5 minutes and went to the recovery room (which unfortunately was next to the waiting room separated by a huge fish tank). Jonathan saw me in there within minutes and was yelling "ma ma" at the top of his lungs for about 3 minutes. Then I went out and waited with them until they had my total and I paid. Wisdom teeth surgery done!

So once the numbing wore off and could talk a little, the swelling started. Because my bottom left tooth was the only bad one, I only got swelling there...and it doesn't look like a chipmunk. More like a monster in a scary movie! The pain is getting better with the pain medicine, which has only made me get sick once. I am not seeing any signs yet of a dry socket which is very exciting! The headaches and swelling should be better by tonight...John took off a couple days to help and that has been great. If anyone out there is thinking of doing this same surgery, get it done before college! I hear it is much easier then. I'm going back to bed now :)


A said…
oh you poor thing. i got mine out in high school thank goodness and i was OUT! i can't imagine hearing all that stuff. yikes!!! let me know if you need anything!
Anonymous said…
Wow, Deanna, you are brave. I agree with the dulls that hearing the cracking sounds would have been pretty hard to stomach. Hope you start feeling better soon!

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