
So the past few days we have been making a few minor changes to our house to help with Jonathan's safety and primarily my sanity! We finally put a lock thing on our game/puzzle cabinet that he loves so much. I think I have organized/sorted all those games and puzzle pieces about 10 times before I actually locked the door :)

Secondly, we organized our school cabinet better so our old crayon snack has been eliminated. We bought all 3 kids a carrying tub for their supplies with a lid that he cannot open. We use that same tub at school for Ashlyn's supplies and it just works great!

We moved the boys TV onto a high wardrobe so he would stop pushing the buttons on the VCR (while they are watching a movie). We put this extra TV in their room when they moved downstairs so if they were scared falling asleep they could watch a movie. It turns out we use it more during school time and Jonathan's nap. This gives me a good 1 1/2 hours (Disney movies) to work with Ashlyn sibling free. The kids like how they can watch TV now like they are in a hospital room with the TV above their beds (yes, I was in the hospital way too much with all 4 pregnancies for them to know this!)

A bonus yesterday was I replaced my vertical blinds in my kitchen (sliding doors) with some newer ones. The old ones kept falling down because the hole at the top had broken on some of the blinds. The new one has a stick you turn and pull to open them. I was just getting nervous about the old ones because he always wants to play with the dangling string on the old one. Now he cannot open or shut the curtains or strangle himself :)

And I finally locked the sink cabinet in our master bathroom...since he is constantly in there when I am showering, that had become his entertainment (even though I put a basket of toys in there each time!) So I no longer have to put away 300 Q-tips after I do my hair! Plus, it probably wasn't so safe for him to be in a spot with razors, clippers, and other misc shaving stuff.

We hope to finally build our closet around the furnace and water heater this weekend too...not sure how much safer this will be for Jonathan, but much safer for the rest of us! He has figured out how to turn the knob on the exposed water heater and we have all burned our hands or taken a hotter shower because of it. And he keeps turning off our air conditioner too by turning off the furnace! All four kids did this at some point and it has always been a battle. I am most excited about this improvement!

So now I can proudly tell my doctor (for real this time), yes, my house IS childproof! Until he figures out how to climb like Caleb did...


Anonymous said…
He sounds like he is much more active then the rest of the kids....I pray for you...But thats agood thing, You know there is nothing wrong with him,,,,Is he stubborn????Phil
Jamie said…
Sounds like Jonathan and Aaron are obviously in the same phases! Aaron loves to dump my box of q-tips when I'm in the shower and emptying any boxes of toys and crayons and snacking on them! I would also love to get new vertical blinds for our sliding glass door. The slats keep falling off every time I open and close them - it's so annoying! Fortunately, Aaron hasn't figured out the cord, but I would love to get new ones anyway. I probably ought to be better at child-proofing, too.

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