$$ Wedding Photography $$

The more I learn about digital photography and wedding photography in particular, the more depressed I get about the money we spent on our wedding pictures 10 years ago. Lisa can do amazing things with her camera and has created some amazing gifts (especially digital photobooks) for her clients. For our anniversary this year, the kids and I browsed our sad (I think $500) album we paid for. I tried to take some pictures of the album to share because it was before digital technology was popular - and our photographers were like in their 80s - but didn't have much luck! So they are better than what you see here in terms of quality, but posing and expressions are just horrible. Go ahead and click on the image to see it better. It was sure funny to hear what the kids had to say about the pictures and the whole day...
"Wow, does daddy have black hair like you? That really doesn't look like daddy" (You'll have to click on the picture to see what they are talking about here)
"Wow, who was in Auntie Karen's belly? Am I in a picture in your belly somewhere??"
"Why did Rylee get to go to the wedding and I didn't? Does Grandpa Gary wear glasses???"

"You guys got married on stairs? and by water?"...minutes later, "what's a reception?"


Anonymous said…
those pictures are just about as awesome as the kid's interpretation of them! i love it, man, kids are the best!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY...again!!!

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