Our first GOOD results...

So we tried our first garden this summer and tried 4 kinds of plants - tomatoes, cilantro, basil, and strawberries. The cilantro was the first to not make it. Then the strawberries. I noticed the other day that the basil plant was gone because it didn't make it either. The 3 tomato plants, however, have really taken off. We probably should have bought one of those metal things to help stand it up because they are just everywhere. The first couple red tomatoes were not edible because of some holes and a little rot. But, today the kids grabbed some really good looking ones...we're waiting until John gets home to check them out to make sure we are right. They sure look good! Now we need to find some great recipe to use them since we don't enjoy them plain :)


Jamie said…
Good job! We have one tomato plant with one green tomato growing on it so far. We'll see if we get anything from it! Sorry, can't help you with tomato recipes, I don't like them!
Anonymous said…
How about some pico de gayo? Yum! That's what I'm doing with my tomatoes from the farmer's market! Those look great! I'm still waiting for mine to ripen!
Anonymous said…
i have a good recipe for tortulini (however you spell it). i'll email it to you! they are beautiful!

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