Homemade birthday gifts

Grandma Sue helped all the kids with some homemade gifts for my birthday. Ashlyn has really become quite the seamstress. Here are some pillows she made for my blue and brown bedroom...she picked the fabric for both sides...

Joshua made a fun picture frame. He is quite the artist these days...
Caleb and Jonathan made these fun pictures for my laptop desk. They are wonderful too!


A said…
Love it!! How did she learn to sow? I'd love to have someone teach Josie since, you know, I'm clueless about sowing.....
Hanson Crew said…
Allison, your comment cracked me up since it is spelled SEWing I think. All things craft are pretty foreign to me too. I can sew pillows, curtains, blankets, and costumes (with a pattern). Sue is teaching her to quilt and sew with her machine. She loves it! I am hoping to work with her to some. I can help you and Josie get started if you would like to learn a pillow case or pillow?
A said…
hahahahah!!!!!!!!!! Now I"M cracking up!!!!!!! See, told you I'm not crafty, I can't even spell the word!! LOL!! Oh my goodness, that is hilarious!

I'd love to have her learn here soon! I may be taking you up on the offer!!

Love ya!

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