It sounds like everything went very smooth at home while I was out of the country last week (minus one day Joshua forgot his coat and lunch for school). It snowed right after I left so John took the kids sledding a couple times. The first time, Caleb smashed his face into the cement. I was able to see that picture on FB one day I logged on without knowing it happened! The picture looked alot worse than his actual face when I got home. The second time they all went, Caleb was at school while the others were home schooling. Jonathan through a big fit and didn't want to go down the big hill. But after a little push, he loved it. Here is that video story (3 videos in all) and a couple pictures from sledding:

It's funny to hear how differently school time went without me. But, it all seemed to work. I haven't seen any missing homework and most of their grades were close to what they usually are with my teaching. Both Grandma Sue and Grandma Peggy helped watch Jonathan and get Caleb off the bus, while John worked MWF at the Maids and taught at the school. He worked from home on Tues and Thurs, which he says he really enjoyed and might try to do more often. They kept up with laundry (thanks to Grandma Sue and Ashlyn's help) and made sure the house was clean when I came home. I have heard it wasn't always clean the course of the week, but at least it looked that way when I walked it. They also surprised me at the airport. We had originally planned on them driving up to the curb and picking me up because I figured the kids would all be asleep, except Ashlyn when my flight arrived at midnight. Instead, they all came in and met with me this cute homemade sign:

Their were also tons of signs hung all over the house. It was very sweet and a wonderful welcome home. John was able to attend 2 meetings at church and host his Spurgeon Cigar group on a Friday night. I really think I can easily go out the country again someday :) I have been hearing some funny things from the kids here and there this past week. My favorite so far is when Ashlyn asked me to teach her how to make ice tea in case daddy or I ever go out of the country again and she is here alone! It was a little funny to see Caleb put on John's socks yesterday for school too because I think the laundry was put away in wrong closets. Today, Caleb had Joshua's boxers on and Joshua had a meltdown. I'm the lucky one who gets to be here for these moments...