Superbowl Sunday

This year the kids seemed a little more interested in the Superbowl. Ashlyn asked us who the Steelers were the night before and Joshua went on and on about the lunch conversations they had Friday about who was going to win. We don't watch much football around here. In fact, I don't know if other than a Husker game once, they have ever really watched football. This would kill my step dad who made football Sundays a priority in our home growing up. Either way, John told the boys that they would all watch this one together and "hang out."

So all 4 kids made a snack bar for the game. They had a hot dog stand, a drink display, and chips and snacks for sale. I wish I had taken a picture of it all. It was very creative. Other than some pretty inappropriate commercials, cold hot dogs and a really long game, I think they enjoyed themselves. I was able to catch up on some computer work I have been doing. Maybe next year we will skip the traditional Superbowl Party again, and stay home for our Hanson Stand Party :) Anyone want to come?


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