From Santo Dominican...

hola! i made it today at around 12 thirty KC time. as you can tell, i am still learning some of the cultural differences here, including this keyboard! our luggage all arrived with us. we made it through the drive from the airport, which was completely crazy! no lights, no lanes really, and alot of merging in and out. oh, motorcycles weaving everywhere! if you know me well at all, you can picture my face the first 30 minutes in the car...but i survived! then we had pizza by the hotel, got cleaned up, worshipped together, and planned out the day tomorrow. i am excited for the breakfast, tour of the school and town, and rooftoop church service tomorrow. the weather is about 75. i am wearing capris and flip flops. i miss john and the kids, but really enjoy my roomate jerry. please pray for my first meeting tomorrow with the village we are serving. i will bring my camera. i wasn't so good today with pictures. but i hope to get more tomorrow. i better get to bed soon. stay tuned for an update tomorrow at lunch...


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