And the (His) mission begins...

I've got my luggage all ready to go. My Vision Trust T-shirt is set out for our team meeting at the airport at 4 a.m. Most of my children are healthy right now (only 1 still sick) and I am not showing any symptoms! I have been praying for safe travels, good health, and for God's will while I am there. I can't wait to meet all of these children! And I can't wait to see a third world country for the first time. I just told Ashlyn while I was zipping up my carry on that I don't think I have ever been on a trip for a whole week without John (since we've been married). It kinda feels a little weird. I was told that I will have access to the internet at the Children's School so I will try to update the blog once in awhile with what I am doing. I won't be able to put up any pictures until I get back. But I will be taking ALOT while I am there. Please continue to pray for me and my family while I am gone. I am excited to see God's hand over in the Dominican Republic and are so excited to tell them all over there about His sovereign hand in their lives. Thank you again to all of you who made this trip a possibility for me. God really provided through many, many hands. Stay tuned to the next part of the adventure...


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