London Sledding

We decided to venture outside today and finally enjoy the snow since it was warmer, 25 degrees - a heat wave! We went sledding down the hill in our front yard just in case it was still too cold to be out very long. They flew down the hill, skid across the once cleaned off sidewalk and over a big bump of snow into the street. They love it! All but Jonathan. He got snow in his glove his first time down and decided he was ready for hot cocoa. Joshua jumped at that idea and went in soon after to join him. Caleb and Ashlyn stayed out for a long time and started a snow fort too. We are excited to hear what Grandma Sue thinks of all this snow. She comes home tonight from the sunny Philippines!


A said…
Okay that is SO FUNNY because Josiah did the exact same thing - he got snow on his glove, wiped his face, starting crying and was ready to go in for hot cocoa! Josie about got frost bite on her cheeks and still protested going inside. Kids are too cute!!!

Love the pics, they really capture the moments!
I'm so jealous! Although, I can't complain too much. We are having a great cool season. It's almost chilly at night. The temp is 88 deg today, but has been lingering around mid 80's with rain the last couple of weeks. Rainy season was suppose to end in November, but we are so thankful it has continued some.

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