As you can probably tell, I finally got around to taking my fall blog header picture this weekend. We have really enjoyed our street lined with really bright fall leaves and had decided a while back to take a fall family picture under them. I bought a red couch cover last spring for $1 and knew it would come in handy for this picture. We drug our downstairs couch outside, covered it, raked some leaves around the couch and tried to take one good family shot. This, unfortunately, was the best one we got. John is hidden by Jonathan, Joshua is not looking, and I had just ran down the street to hop in the picture and wasn't not quite ready for it. There were some better ones of John and I closer together, but none of the kids were looking forward, smiling, etc. That is why the kids are the only ones on the blog header now....it was the only one we all liked (except Joshua who says Jonathan looks silly and we shouldn't use this one). I thought I would share our best family shot though. Sue gave me a great idea for winter....we might try to drag our red couch out in the falling snow for a winter header. It sure would be neat to only see a bright red couch in the middle of a winter wonderland. We'll see if I can convince John to do that though in freezing weather and through a feet of snow for that one perfect shot :)