
So yesterday as I pulled into the garage I heard a strange pop. It almost sounded like I ran over a ball or something on the garage floor. When I got out, I looked underneath the car and there was no ball. So I smiled and went into the house to finish my laundry marathon. After about 3 hours, I went to get back in the car to vote and smelled a horrible smell coming from the garage. When I opened the door, there was a puddle the size of my Durango spreading across the garage floor. And it smelled like Antifreeze. When I opened the hood, there was liquid everywhere. Not sure what "popped" as I pulled in, but we are stuck at home now. Our mechanic is coming over today to take a look. We are praying it is some hose or something and not the entire radiator. We'll keep you posted...

The good news is that I am going to organize my garage now :) I wanted to do it next week when all the garage sale stuff was cleared out, but now that we are stuck here, I thought we would clear up a day next week when we have a car and begin the project today. All the garage sale stuff is coming into the basement for pricing, while I re-arrange all the hardware stuff, sport stuff, yard stuff, etc. I have been wanting to organize it since when unpacked a year ago. Now that I have tons of empty storage tubs thanks to a huge purge for this garage sale, I have labeled buckets for lots of stuff that usually gets thrown on the floor or on a shelf together. Thankfully I have 4 little helpers still at home too who get to starts in 2 weeks! I wonder if all that fluid is cleanable too? We'll keep you posted...


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