Movie Surpise Day

Today was the last day of our Summer Movie Days we have been attending....they are great and only a block away (and only a dollar!) We have got to see many this year. Today was a special treat since it was the last one - it was a surprise movie! And believe it or not, a newer movie...How to Train Your Dragon. The kids liked it a little more than the adults, but we all had a good time. We went with the Knorrs and the McKinzies for the final show and it was sold out. They gave prizes away for the end of the summer....and we won! We got to choose a new DVD from a pile when they called our ticket number. They gave away each of the movies we saw (Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda, Shrek 3, etc)....we picked Hotel for Dogs since it is one of our favorites. We followed the movie with lunch at our house and was a great day! Here is a clip of the movie we saw:


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