Less anxiety for only a dollar!

I am easily frazzled. Or I should say my OCD tendencies keep me on a tight leash most days. So when something seems simple to fix and I can't figure it out it really stresses me out. I spend hours researching how to fix it and usually can't sleep until I convince my hubby to fix it or replace it (depending on what it is that is broken). I am that weird person who will drive in a tornado storm to return a movie to avoid a late fee - I think I was born this way? Long story short, our answering machine somehow got changed to pick up on the 3rd ring. So that meant I had two full rings to get to it or my entire conversation would be recorded in the other room. My kids even picked up on that one and would occasionally go into our bedroom to hear just who it was I was talking to (or what we were talking about). We are still living in the 80s in our kitchen and do not have a cordless phone there. So I am typically cleaning or cooking near that phone when it rings. If I happen to be downstairs where there is a cordless phone, I usually have to race up the stairs to try and get it before it turns on because that is our "MIA" phone usually. So most of my good friends I talk to on a regular basis is used to the the machine picking up right when I say "hello."

So this weekend I was thrilled when I got a cordless phone with an answering machine for only $1! And it works. There is a setup button, which our old one was lacking, that will allow you to set the number of rings - and you guessed it, right now it is on 6! So when I want some good exercise, I can change it back to 2 for a week! The best part - we put it downstairs so when we walk in from the garage we can check our messages instead of going to our bedroom. Plus, it has caller id on it which is also lacking from the MIA phone that is usually down there. Now I just need to figure out how to change our 80s phone to the old cordless phone from the office and I'll be all set!????


The Valdez Family said…
I just really think it is the Taurus in you because I am totally NOT that way!!! But my husband sure is. The competitive side comes out when playing games and he gets his mind set to do something and he will finish it or it will drive him crazy!! HMMM I see some similarities in both of you. How interesting!! HAHAHAHA
A said…
haha! That's so funny! Congrats on the great buy!

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