The right place at the right time

So I shared the other day that I recovered my kitchen chairs with some clearance fabric from Wal-mart for $3.19. I was so excited to finally cover them with something that matches the new paint and new picture I have above the table before we go on the market. Well, this week while we were out bargain shopping I couldn't believe my eyes. I found a curtain made of the same exact material for only $1.00. I wasn't sure if it would fit my kitchen window, but I bought it anyway with the thought of using the material to make something else with it (place mats possibly like Alicia suggested). Well, when I got home, it fit perfectly on my window! I was so excited because the entire new look (chairs and window) only cost my $4.19!!! What do you think?

I think I am still going to try to make some place mats out of a different material soon. Unless I find some for a great deal this weekend at another neighborhood garage sale I am going to on Friday. I am really loving these bargain finds lately! Just in time to hang out with Dave Ramsey this weekend and tell him all about my budgeting skills :)


Lori said…
That's a God thing. :)
A said…
Love it!
Jamie said…
That's awesome! What a perfect find.

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