Meet our new visitor, a gorgeous red cardinal that has not left our yard for a couple weeks. He wakes us up every morning with his adorable little chirp and is such a beauty to see in our empty tree as it begins to bloom. The bad news - he isn't very smart! He spends his afternoon charging at our windows, primarily the new office window and the skinny windows around our front door. Sometimes its kinda funny. He does is over and over and over and then flies back to the tree. Others times, it scares us. We'll be watching a movie or eating in the kitchen and we hear a loud bang. Then another. Then we remember it is our new funny friend. John told me last night that he think he might be seeing his reflection in the glass and thinks it is another cardinal. He said they are very territorial. I think he just realizes that MO weather these days is very confusing and its time for some indoor heat! There he goes again....