Handfuls of Lilies...

The kids and I made Lily centerpieces this year for our Easter Dinner. We got the idea from Joshua's preschool. The Lily is the child's hand with a pipe cleaner inside (the fingers are curled back so the flower opens a little more). We bought some big green straws from a Kearney coffee shop and taped on some leaves. Ashlyn, Joshua, and Caleb made their own bouquets and Jonathan stuck one of his flowers in each vase. We are going to leave them out for another week since they turned out so cute...


A said…
I love this idea!!! I'm so un-crafty - is there directions to how to do this that you could email me?? I'd love to do this for spring. LOVE YOU!!!
Nancy Mosley said…
These turned out super cute. Thanks for sharing that idea. I need to remember that for Mother's Day and have my kids do that for my mom.
Jamie said…
Those are so cute! I like the idea of doing it for Mother's day for Grandmas - I may just have to do that! Thanks for sharing!

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