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Our 1st 4H Project

Ashlyn and I found this cute little house at a neighborhood garage sale this weekend for $1 and have decided to make it our first 4H project. We are going to give it a huge makeover inside and out. She is most excited about decorating the 4 rooms and has some great ideas so far. We'll keep you posted on the project as it progresses. Tomorrow is our first official 4H meeting. It should be great girl bonding time together.


Jamie said…
That sounds like so much fun! With Leevi in Cub Scouts, Raquel can't wait to be old enough to be in Girl Scouts. I had never thought of 4-H, but we should look into that! Scouts has been nice daddy/son time, so it will be nice to have some mom/daughter time. Good luck on the house - I'm sure it'll be great!