A birthday party dream

So Sat was Joshua's first friend party...he invited his handsome friends from school and church and decided he wanted a Star Wars party...he started counting down the days. Sat morning, I got up a lot earlier (about 5:00) than I normally do to setup for the party before I left for a charity run Ashlyn and I were doing around 7:30. Joshua heard me and got up to see if he could help (you could tell he was so excited then!) which was about 3 hours early for him. When I got home around 11:00 from the event, the boys had picked up and got all ready for the big day...I made the cake and decorated a little, Joshua was doing great and very excited still. By 1:30 though, Joshua (who never naps anymore) could barely keep his eyes open...
He told me he needed a nap right now...so we let him catnap until 2:00 when everyone was supposed to come. I woke him at 2:00 and he would not get up. He kept saying he was so tired. When his friends arrived I figured his adrenaline would kick in and he would instantly wake up and run to the gifts and happy friends who came...not so much! The other kids made their Star Wars magnet crafts while Josh rested on the couch or layed his head down on the table. Then we went outside to do our "Clones vs Droids Scavenger hunt" and he layed on the grass. It was the craziest thing...he was SO tired. We forced him to come in and open presents (the kids did most of the unwrapping for him while he yawned and waited for it to be done)....

Then we sang Happy Birthday and cut the cake. Before I could serve it, Josh was fast asleep in the living room...
We were in shock...then we entertained the rest of the party by playing outside and in his room. He hardly woke up to say goodbye to everyone and then slept for about 3 hours. When he woke up, we thought there was going to be a horrible breakdown and he was going to be so sad he missed his party, but it didn't happen. He said, "Wasn't that a great Star Wars Party!" I wonder if it was all one big birthday dream for him! Either way, it was a fun party and definitely memorable...I can see myself telling him when he is 18, "do you remember when you slept through your 5th b-day party?" He has already started the countdown for his real birthday on Thursday and his family party in 2 weeks with Ashlyn!


Oh DeAnna how sweet. Poor little guy. He's such a cutie!
Jamie said…
Oh, my gosh. That is hilarious! I actually laughed out loud! I see you did the same thing with his cake I did for Leevi - just put a few action figures on it and you're done! You'll have to explain your scavenger hunt, that sounds so fun. And the important thing is that they have fun and it sounds like he did! (even if he slept through it all!)
Hanson Crew said…
I got a little creative with the scavenger hunt - I divided them into two teams - the Droids and the Clones. I made each team a list of items to find and drew the pictures of each thing (since they can't read yet). They were mostly things from my garage that I had 2 of like shovels, watering cans, a racket, a chair, etc and I think there was 15 things. Then Ashlyn and I hid them around our backyard. They had to bring each item to a table once they found it. Then each player got a star wars yo-yo (from the dollar bin at Target) for finishing. It was rpetty fun and helped pass the time :)

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