Small town parades

We live in a rural town about 30 minutes from downtown KC and our population here is about 8,000 people. So when there is a carnival, festival, or parade here the town shuts down! It is pretty funny, but also really neat to be involved here. This weekend is the second week of the Jesse James Festival here in Kearney and today was the parade. While I was at bible study, John managed to get the kids ready and off to see the fun. When I returned, they were all covered in political stickers and with tons of candy! That is the best part about small town parades - everyone throws candy out to the crowds...and if the kids are small and cute, they throw more candy your way. So Caleb and Jonathan did really good as usual with their cheesy smiles and huge royalty waves. So the kids really have fun grabbing all the candy at the parade, eating it at the parade (a huge treat for our household who don't normally get candy), and then sorting it all at home. We had three big bowls this year...and yep, we are all set for Halloween now - come ye all those trick-or-treaters to the Hanson house, our light will be on and your dentist will be awaitin!!!


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