Gum galore

So on Monday when I picked up Ashlyn from school the office secretary told me that Ashlyn sat on a piece of gum when she got there. They were able to scrape it all off and continue throughout the day since it came off. Usually, they would have called to bring some new clothes if it didn't come off. When I asked Ashlyn about it, she said that there was gum on the chair at her desk when she first got there apparently and she thought it must have been put there during Sunday school at church. Her classroom is the 3 and 4 year old Sunday school classroom at our church on the weekend. She gave Caleb a hard time about kids his age not throwing their gum away when they are done. I was just glad she didn't get embarrassed or upset since it was 8:00 in the morning and the start of a Monday morning at that.

So today, she came home and said, "Guess what mom, I sat in gum again!" I couldn't believe it. There had not been Sunday school since Monday. "Yep, someone put chewed gum in my booster seat and I sat on it coming home today!" She glanced at her 3 year and 4 year old brothers..."Someone needs to teach them about a trash can!" I couldn't believe it. We actually encourage our children to chew a lot of sugarless gum because the dentist told us it helps get food stuck in their horribly grooved teeth out of the grooves. And because they are not allowed to have candy (because of those bad teeth) it gives them some fun treat to have on a regular basis...tomorrow we will go over gum etiquette again!

So the main reason for the post - WD40 really does work to take gum off clothes. You spray it right on it and then scrape it right off. Then wash the oil off with dishwasher soap and wash it in the washing machine....I was so excited! Live and learn I guess - oh, and according to Ashlyn, continue to pray for a sister someday (or a brother who leaves her stuff alone)!


I hear that peanut butter will take out gum too!!! Abby will not be aloud to chew gum for a VERY LONG TIME!!!!HAHAHAHA

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