Our New Mondays

A typical Monday in the Hanson household consists of a little more sleep, laundry, and cleaning. I help get John and Ashlyn out the door by 7:00 and go back to bed for another hour. When the boys get up, we have breakfast, get dressed, and play a little. I am switching laundry most of the day while we are picking up from the weekend. After lunch and naps, John and Ashlyn are usually home by 4:00. We have dinner together and then hang out doing something late since John doesn't go in until 10:00 on Tuesdays (we were excited for 24 on Monday nights, but that doesn't look too promising right now!).

So in 2008, starting next Monday, our Mondays are changing! I am starting a new Women's bible study with my mother-in-law in Liberty from 9 to noon. I am excited since it is the new Beth Moore study and a church right in Liberty (10 minutes away). The boys are excited for a pretty organized childcare time with games, snacks, and lunch. It will be good for the older boys to get used to a little structure like in pre-school. When we finish up the the study, video, and fellowship, we plan to venture home for naps and probably more laundry. We are going to be picking up Ashlyn some Mondays now since John will be attending the FCA Faculty meetings twice a month (He is teaching a Wolrdview class starting Monday at Ashlyn's school). She is excited for mommy pick up! We hope to all be home in time for dinner together still since Tuesday and Thursday dinners do not include John (his late nights). We'll keep you posted on the study - I did a study when Joshua was first born here and loved the fellowship and study in the word more consistently. Oh, how I miss that at our church home now - especially the mommy lunches. I am also excited that this study is the book of Psalms, where I am memorizing Psalm 1 (my smaller goal to conquer before trying the Sermon on the Mount)! Here's to a new Monday!


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