Baby Keepsake Project

Yesterday I went through all of our newborn through 9 months stuff and really organized. We were able to give a trash bag of clothes to the Racheal House, a bag to a friend expecting her first boy, and a queen size bed full of Craigslist opportunity! My garage is looking bigger already. In the midst of all this organization and walk down memory lane, I worked up a new project I am excited about. We have one huge tub of Ashlyn's favorite baby outfits already saved away. We made one yesterday for all the boys stuff too (it all fit in 1 1/2 tubs really for all 3). We are going to print off some baby pictures on some fabric of each child and make a memory baby quilt for each of them . I am so excited to do this! Because each 0-3 months outfit is kinda small, each quilt square will be smaller with a bigger photo in the middle (great idea Lisa). I am imagining a 3 foot square blanket for each. Joshua keeps asking me today, when we are going to start. I admit, it will be hard to cut all those adorable outfits, but will be so fun to see them in their room instead of storage. I am putting this project ahead of scrapbooking for now (at least Joshua and Ashlyn's albums - Caleb and Jonathan are getting digital scrapbooks around Christmas I think) and can't wait to start. If you have any quilting advice, please send them my way - this will be my first. I'll post our progress...I might even be able to use some of this Craiglist money I am making on misc baby stuff now to help keep it going and finished by summers end. I am so excited!!


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