Freezer Meal Fun

 Joshua and I decided during school one day that we would spend a day shopping, cooking, and planning out some meals for the month.  After some thought, I decided to make it a family affair, which Joshua wasn't too pleased about.  But it began anyway.

We started in the morning with a huge list for 17 recipes.  We all went to Walmart for all of the ingredients and all managed to make it home safely.  Then we paired up and each pair took a recipe at a time.  We had to do a lot of chopping and measuring, but ended up with 17 gourmet meals at the end ready to be thrown in the Crockpot.  And it all cost about $200.  We hope to do it again one day once we decide if we like the recipes we picked this round.  Hopefully the kids will all love the food, since they helped make it!


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