Holiday Open House
This Friday evening, some good friends of mine are having a holiday open house at my house. They are selling homemade purses, diaper bags, headbands, hair bows, homemade mineral makeup, jewelery, cute toddler clothes, cloth diapers, duct tape bags, hand soaps, hand painted dishes, and more things I can't think of right now. They are doing a raffle for my mission trip to win 3 big baskets of their stuff too. The tickets are $1 each and all those proceeds go toward my trip. I am very excited. Try to stop by if you're in the area - All are welcome! My house is completely decorated for Christmas this morning! And it's only the beginning of November (this is a first for me, but we thought the holiday decorations might help the mood for Christmas shopping at the open house). We decorated yesterday and it was is so neat to have Christmas lights on everywhere this morning as the sun rose :) I'll post pics soon of some favorite new Christmas areas in my friend Andrea is an excellent Christmas decorator and she did an amazing job!