Being Thankful...

We played the ABC Thankful game just as our chapel speaker suggested last week - thanks Mr. Greco! Each person thinks of something they are thankful for that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Here are the kids responses from oldest to youngest....(Ashlyn, Joshua, Caleb & Jonathan)

A - (apples, airplanes, alot of apples, America)
B - (bees, babies, bananas, binoculars)
C - (cats, cane, cake, cars)
D - (dogs, duffle bags, dogs, dogs )
E - (elephants, epics, eating - Jonathan doesn't want to play anymore)
F - (fangs, fame, four)
G - (giraffes, girls, goat)
H - (Hansons, hands, Hannah Montana)
I - (incline, inspiring, igloo )
J - (judge, Jonah, Joshua)
K - (king, kangaroo, Kindergarten)
L - (love, locusts, lollipop )
M - (mop, mommy, mom)
N - (nice, nector, nickles)
O - (obstacle courses, on & off, oxygen)
P - (pollination, pencils, park)
Q - (questions, quilts, queens)
R - (righteousness, rain, red)
S - (stars, steaks, stores)
T - (truthfulness, teeth, trees)
U - (Uncle Chris, umbrellas, underwear)
V - (victory, Vic's popcorn, valleys)
W - (words, world, water)
X - (X-men, X-ray, xylophones)
Y - (yellow, yarn, yards)
Z - (Zhu-zhu pets, zum buddies, zoos)


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