A Three Dollar Kitchen Bench

Picture a pretty ugly purple and dark brown bench at a thrift store for $3....then add a little green paint to the legs...
Find some $25/yard fabric on clearance for $4/yard at Hobby Lobby. Buy 3/4 of a yard for the "new" kitchen bench that will match the kitchen curtains...and Tada, sitting area for our kitchen desk...
A close up of the bench...
Then I used the rest of the $3 fabric for a table runner in the dining room...
Next plan, sew the above table runner so it does not unravel along the edges. Then re-cover the dining room chairs to match....I went back to Hobby Lobby and bought another two yards for the 6 chairs. You can't beat $8 for $50 worth of great, thick fabric!! I might even go crazy and paint a little red on some green plates I have hanging in the dining room. Pics coming soon...


Anonymous said…
You always inspire me to look past the first glimpse at to what something might become. -Nancy

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