Sunflower day at the library

Today Jonathan and I started a new Wed routine. We started walking again with our friends Lisa and Landon, which was great conversation and exercise. We ventured over to a different library for story time today near the park we walked and played at - the North Kansas City Library. The librarian read stories about sunflowers and fall, and then we all made a sunflower mask. Jonathan enjoyed it alot! Since this group seems to be mainly 4 and mostly girls, we might go back to the library by our house next week. But, I did sign up for a card and am excited to have another database to get books and movies from in the future :)

After the library, we surprised dad at work and then went to the North Kansas City hospital for some yummy chicken fingers and curly fries...Yes, I might be the only crazy person who goes to a hospital cafeteria for lunch, but I was craving that yummy menu last week for some reason. When we got home to start dinner in the crock pot, Jonathan was very tired...
After a 2 hour nap and a lot of fun reading for mom, the other 4 were headed home from school and work. It was a great Wed routine and we look forward to next week!


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