Screenings + Standardized testing = smart kids

So we just finished up a few different tests in our crew's house. Ashlyn had some standardized testing she did a few weeks ago and her results were awesome! I just love the private Christian education we have chosen for our family! She also was able to participate in the Presidential Fitness Test this year and she will be awarded a National Award on Friday's last day of school assembly. Joshua had his kindergarten assessment at that same school and also did great! We only have to work on some minor speech issues over the summer. And we had no idea until now how he also substitutes some sounds for others....very interesting. Caleb did a 3/4 year old screening this week too through his Kearney School District Speech teacher. He did really good too and much better than I thought he would. Other than speech articulation he is right on track for his age. Besides continuing to focus on those speech problems we already knew about over the summer, we are going to start working on some handwriting and fine motor skills. We are so excited how well they are all doing.

Jonathan got to miss out on all the fun educational testing, but did get to have a small medical test done. He unfortunately has croup right now and sounds horrible. But we are hoping he is all better this weekend for his big second birthday. We'll keep ya posted!


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