The story of Tobey

After a few requests, I thought I should share the way Tobey started at the Hanson house. My best friend Lisa has a nephew who has called her Dobey ever since she can remember. She is not sure why he started calling her that because it doesn't sound like Aunt Lisa, but it stuck. He is now almost 4 and still calls her Dobey. So last week when we hung out all day with that nephew, Caleb picked it up and knew Lisa's name so he thought Dobey was a fun name to call everyone. At dinner that night, he was talking under his breath a lot and calling everyone Dobey. "Dobey, its okay it fell" or "No no Dobey, not that way." It was funny. So John came home from work and we were all laughing. He heard Caleb calling Jonathan Tobey and asked where the name came from. I explained about Lisa's nephew and how Caleb really likes the name Dobey. John said that he really liked the name Tobey and said he was going to start calling him that. Jonathan would really giggle when he called him that so John believes that he LOVED it. So yes, from that day on that is what he calls him! The rest of us keep trying to change it, hence the previous blog post. I am still very partial to Jonathan or J. Well, keep ya posted if Tobey sticks around...


A said…
that's awesome! a true Hanson story...i love them!

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