Cheaper, yummy turkey cupcakes...

The kids and I made those fun Famly Fun TOM Thanksgiving Day cupcakes again this year for Ashlyn's party at school. We modified the recipe a little to make it a little more cost effective and was pretty happy with them. Instead of using the Sandie's Shortbread Right Bite cookies (which run about $3.00 for a box and you usually need 2 boxes), I used one vanilla wafer cookie for the head (about $2 a box and tons of extra left). I also skipped the fruit roll up or licorice idea for the red part and used red icing I had left over from Oct birthdays. The nose is the top portion of the candy corn I had left over ($1 for the bag) and the cake mix and frosting were on sale for .88. It was a huge hit and much cheaper than last year. We are excited to try the pilgrim hats tomorrow to bring to my in-laws on Thursday. They seem cheap and easy too. We'll take pics and let you know how those go. We are enjoying our week long break from school work and trying to bake a lot while I finish up some homemade projects for Christmas. Hope you are also enjoying this time together with family :)


I think we'll make those this year!! Thanks!
A said…
those are so cute!!!!!!!!!!! great ideas for modifying!
Those are way cool! I can't believe I'm so behind on my blog reading. I totally would have copied off you guys and served turkey cupcakes over the holiday. Gotta put that in my idea box for next year. Good one, Hansons!

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