Finally, fresh paint

Yeah, we finally got our hall and living room all painted to match the new color in the entry way and stairwell...
We put up our hobby lobby decal on our main wall above the kids pictures. We are hoping to put some updated pictures in these frames soon too. My vision is to get one of Ashlyn and Jonathan together for the big frame on the left, a family picture in the smaller frame on top, a picture of the four kids on the bottom smaller frame, and one of Caleb and Joshua together on the right...we'll keep you posted.
We moved the couch on the bigger wall again with the side tables and matching lamps on each side...
I put the sofa table behind the love seat and put it at an angle at the top of the stairs again...

I moved the curtains from our bedroom in to bring some other colors into the new look and got a new curtain rod for them. Jonathan kept bending the cheap old old we had when he would look out the window so this was great timing...

I moved my "Love is Spoken Here" sign below my Willow Figure collection (instead of above) since there is no longer a sofa table there. It stands out a little more with the gold wall because the writing matches so well...
Here is the love seat and you can see where our TV thing is too in the corner still. Our camera is so zoomed in that it is hard to get a pic of the whole room. Hope you like it as much as we do!

Oh, I almost forgot. We added a new picture collage in the hall that is also newly painted now. No more art work or scuff marks along the bottom of the hall wall! Yeah!


Anonymous said…
it looks SO great! wow, you have done an outstanding job. i love the kids pictures below that decal and i really like the "love spoken here" below the shelf instead of above. i can't wait to see it in person!
Jamie said…
I think it looks great! Love the color you chose. What's the name of it? It's always nice to move things around and get a new look for a while. All your make-overs make me want to go and find something to do (and we have plenty to do!).
Anonymous said…
hey, just getting back on to ask you the same question as jamie...what color is that? :-) it almost looks like a camel color...we love it!
Hanson Crew said…
hey guys - it is called Sphinx and is the Satin Colorplace paint from Wal-mart. The best news is that it was/is on sale for $6 a gallon from $12 and it only took 2 1/2 gallons for the lr, hall, and stairs :)
Hoban Family said…
Man, I need to hire you to help me with our new house. When are you available? I pay whatever!!!!
Anonymous said…
thanks! i love it!!
Anonymous said…
hey, where did you get those curtains? we are looking for off white ones that show the light through like yours. thanks!

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