Jonathan is 9 months today
So Jonathan turns 9 months today and it is hard to believe how big he is getting. He will go for his 9 month check up at the end of the month, so we don't know "his numbers" today, but my guess he is not in the 90th percentile anymore - maybe 75%. He has started a few new things. He loves to clap, play peek-a-boo, giggle, bounce, stand, shake his head no, and eat ANYTHING! Some new favorites include jello, goldfish, pb&j sandwich, sliced carrots (instead of the baby food kind), crackers, and his new favorite a sucker (thanks Papa Phil and Gramma Velma for that)! He is still not mobile, which just drives me crazy - our other kids started walking about 10 months and he isn't even crawling (that tummy must be too heavy to lift for a long period of time). He will stand holding on to furniture, but I have to put him there, he will not pull up yet. He scoots backwards on his tummy and prefers to be carried everywhere - he has taken the role of the baby very seriously! He must know there will not be another after him. I have also heard some sounds that resemble talking like more, no, hi, and ooh. He uses these words when he should and not just whenever. He has 4 teeth - 2 on the bottom and 2 on the top. I think I should stop writing now and go do some more tummy time with him - he WILL crawl soon!