Star Wars to a 4 year old

While I was at a baby shower this weekend, the boys all watched Star Wars for the first time with dad. It was actually Joshua's idea who is really into watching movies right now, especially Disney Classics. He was Darth Vader last year for Halloween because I got the costume clearanced from the year before and Josh had no idea who that guys was. Now he knows he is a bad guy. We were talking today about the movie and what he had to say cracked me up. Here is what Joshua said Star Wars is all about (the old original Star Wars by the way)...

"Well first Luke was on an airplane with some other guy trying to get to Prince Louis's plane (aka Princess Leia). There was a silver robot who got all tangled in cords, but he got out! Darth Vader was the bad guy with the red light who was mean. At the end there is a wedding ceremony where prince Louie changes her hair into prettier pig tails and everything is really pretty at the ceremony. Sam was a baby dog on this movie. (??? not sure what he is talking about here, maybe chewbacca) And there was even a guy named 3 by 3 (C3PO???). I think Jack Bauer (a young Harrison Ford who resembles Kiefer Sutherland) was the guy with the blue light who goes through the little door to get to the other plane. And that was it! It was soooo good. Can we watch the next one?"


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