Ashlyn's Bedtime Ritual

Ashlyn is our only child who has a bedtime ritual. I say ritual because if it is not done the correct way each night, she freaks out. We made the mistake of starting this when she was about 2 1/2 and quickly learned to not start one with our other 3 kids. Here is the routine: Turn on her lamp, start her worship/bible verses CD at a certain sound level, tuck her under her covers, shut the closet door, and kiss her goodnight (usually followed by 'I love you with all my see ya in the morning goodnight heart'). It's crazy! She is okay when she is at grandma's house without a few of these things, but not here. All 3 boys can be put to bed in complete darkness wide awake and fall asleep staring at the open closet door in silence. But not Ashlyn. So I had to share that she has added something new this week to her ritual. She is now sleeping with a sleep eye mask that we got in our hotel room in Minneapolis. I asked her last night, "Do you mind if we turn your lamp off now that you like the dark?" She answered, "No way, I can still see some light through the mask and need it on. We might need to tape this mask on though." We may need to counsel her college roommate on this routine someday! Praise the Lord for automatic light switch outlets and CD players that turn off when the CD is done so the rest of us can get our sleep for now!


Jamie said…
Oh, bedtime rituals! Leevi goes through phases of different things he must do for bedtime. He loves Thomas the Train and used to have to put every single train he had 'to bed' under his pillow before he'd go to bed. I don't know how he even slept with 15 trains under his pillow! Another one was he had to put on 3 different hats to fall asleep. I wish I had gotten a picture of that one! I'm glad we have our kids around to give us free entertainment all the time! Ashlyn sounds like such a funny girl. I love the silly things kids do.
Hoban Family said…
We have crazy bedtime rituals here too. Bella is really specific and Giuli isn't quite as tough. One thing that has helped us though is that if we do these same rituals when we are on vacation or at Nonna's house they feel better and I think they sleep better too! :)

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