Conversations with a truck driver

If there is one fear I really have as an adult it is clearly passing a truck driver on the interstate. I literally hold my breathe as I speed pass them each time. My husband will agree that it is a little ridiculous how much I am afraid of them. The funny thing is I am not alone in my craziness...we must have had some freak accident almost happen as a child because my younger sister is exactly the same way. When we are together we practically scare everyone else in the car as we chant "go go go" 80 MPH in the fast lane around them, leaning toward the driver window. Yes, we are related to three truck drivers and have actually been inside numerous truck cabs before, you would never guess that though driving with us in a car.

There are many converations you can have with a truck driver as you drive besides "go go go." When we were younger, we would do the typical fun thing all children do and pretend to pull the large string hanging by our window in order to hear them honk their loud horns as we passed them. We would laugh and be unaware at the time of our future fear. When I started driving I always respected their enormous size and would flash my lights at them when they needed to come over in my lane as a form of communication. It is very interesting to watch a few trucks driving close together and the way they communicate. It is almost addicting not to participate in the it helps me to think they are aware of my presence!

I must say it really helps to be the driver with this fear. There is something to be said about the extra space the passenger side of the car makes! It is as though the truck you are passing is a few feet further than you in your lane. When you are in the passenger seat though, there is only a mirror and few inches (or so it seems) between you and the big machine that could barely bump you and throw you into a quick spin! It is very scary for me, hence, one of my stronger arguments for always needing to be the driver (or aka backseat driver) to my husband. I am working on keeping my negativity to myself while in the car so my children don't become as insane as my sister and I. Our slug bug games are actually helping me lose focus off the slow drifting trucks with the signs"Caution: Makes Wide Turns" as I chauffeur them around. To all you cautious drivers out there, beware for now, especially in rain storms driving past these monsters!


I know D!! We are crazy. Mario has learned that when passing a diesel to speed up and go by them as soon as possible. He is also has learned that when they are riding your behind to get out of the way!!! This story is so true!! I don't know what happened to us!!!

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