Chatter vs Mobile

Experts say that as a child develops and grow they tend excel in one of two categories: verbal skills or motor skills. Caleb has clearly been a motor skilled child. He was running and climbing before even thinking of a word! We became a little worried when he turned 2 and other kids his age were really talking and he was still babbling. Joshua wasn't completely clear until around 3 so we asked our pediatrician. She said to not be concerned until he was 2 1/2. He will be that age in October, but just to make sure he isn't too far behind, we are applying to an organization called First Steps. It is a state funded company that helps children (birth to age 3) with developmental delays, in our case speech therapy. Our initial visit for Caleb is on Monday and we will find out if his delay is bad enough to need therapy (needs to be a 50% delay). We'll keep you posted on how it goes, we think his tongue muscles are not developed completely. If your child seems to be having some kind of delay and you are interested, there is a First Steps program in every state and is very reasonable in cost ($5-$20 a month based on your income). After 3, each public school district offers different programs, including a free speech therapy program we might try.


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